Friday, May 30, 2014

Why I’m Not a Fan of Weight Machines

I often see people in the gym moving from one machine to the next to when they work out. Let's face it, if you're not sure how to put yourself through any other kind of resistance workout, the machines offer a fairly easy way of training each muscle group. But isolating one muscle group by basically "locking" yourself into one position on a machine is not the natural way we move our bodies. This is one of the major reasons I don’t like using this equipment. Weight machines are beneficial for some, but not all. Whether or not to use these machines depends on one's fitness level, past injuries, or when alignment or balance is an issue. If you're generally in good physical condition, free weights or body weight resistance movements are a better choice. Here's why: 

1. Time wasting:. If you only have 30 minutes to exercise, you will spend about 10-15 minutes on one machine, while only working one or two muscles. This is not an efficient workout. I like to incorporate as many muscles in one exercise as I can (aka "Multiple Muscle Movements") while simultaneously keeping the heart rate up.

2. One-size-fits-all. Handles can be too far apart, pads are in the most uncomfortable spots, and seats can be too deep or wide for proper alignment. When you're moving in an awkward or manner, you're increasing your risk of injury.

3. You're working very specific muscles. Did you ever notice those little diagrams highlighting the muscles that will be working? That’s pretty much all these machines do. While it's not a bad thing to focus only on, say, your biceps, you'll get a much greater benefit from doing a multiple-muscle exercise like push ups, which work your triceps, biceps, shoulders, and chest muscles all at once. 

4. You're sitting.  And how many times are you pushing, pulling or lifting when you are sitting down? With standing exercises, you’re engaging your core while making those larger muscles work. And let's face it; we all sit way too much already.

5. Not "functional." Functional movements prepare your body for how you move on a daily basis. Machines do pretty much the opposite. If you notice the diagrams highlighting the muscles that will be working, that’s pretty much all these machines do. While it's not a bad thing to focus only on, say, your triceps, you'll get a much greater benefit from doing a multiple-muscle exercise like push ups, which work your triceps, biceps, shoulders, and chest muscles all at once.  Or, if you do a standing overhead extension or shoulder press, you will prepare your body for lifting and placing something on a high shelf.

So it may be time to rethink your weight regimen if you're "stuck" on the machines.  Need help? Contact Map 2 Fitness to set up a consultation with one of our Fitness Trainers.  We will design an exercise program that is tailored to your needs!

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